Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"Long Clouds float over the trees"

This is the fawn outfit of this year. Can anything be prettier?
The Road

And where you see a green valley
And a road half-covered with grass,
Through an oak wood beginning to bloom
Children are returning home from school.

In a pencil case that opens sideways
Crayons rattle among the crumbs of a roll
And a copper penny saved by every child
To greet the first spring cuckoo.

Sister's beret and brother's cap
Bob in the bushy underbrush,
A screeching jay hops by in the branches
And long clouds float over the trees

A red cap is already visible at the bend
In front of the house, father, leaning on a hoe,
Bows down, touches the unfolded leaves,
And from his flower bed inspects the whole region.

     Czeslaw Milosz

This is one of a group of early poems
called The World, some of which appear in
New and Collected POEMS (1931-2001) Ecco, 2001, page 36.

They are just starting out on the Daily Walk the other day. 
One has to look hard for the dachshund who is moving toward the center 
of the photo on the end of the leash. Small dark spot.
This is one of those iPhone panoramas which seems to compress the distances here. 
The swing seems tp be more than 180 degrees from pointing eastward, to directly west.
It would have been better with more sky and less sandy driveway.
Of such small failures, many things are made.

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